Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Becky Has a Phone!

Becky is happily ensconced with her host family. There is a Mom, Dad, and two granddaughters, 13 and 18. Mom and Dad raised seven children, the youngest of whom is 18. None are at home. They speak British English – she’s learning to say “trousers” since “pants” are underwear, etc. They are trying to help Becky learn Lusoga which is the language of the eastern part of the country where she will be posted. The house has electricity but no running water. Food is good and plentiful. Lots of bananas!

The training center is about 2½ – 3 miles her house. Walking time depends on whether she’s along, walking with others, or visiting with others along the way. She also has a bike, which makes the trip easier. Women don’t normally ride bicycles, but Becky gets by as a girl.

One thing Becky has noticed is the respect given to elders. Her host Mom is in her early 50’s, in a country where the average life expectancy is in the 40’s. When she asks something of her granddaughters, they do it quickly.

Barbara (Becky's Mom)

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