Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A bit of News

Talked to Becky on the phone this morning. Internet has been out for a couple of weeks in her small town, so she hasn't been in touch with anyone. Posting information will be coming next week -- probably Wednesday the 15th. Then the following week it's time to move! Monday to Kampala for meetings, Tuesday a meeting with her counterpart from her posting, and Wednesday on to the real adventure.

On Saturday, Becky will head to Kampala with one of her fellow Trainees to join the Peace Corps Country Director at his seder. She's looking forward to the seder, and being in the big city. Look for a long posting from her on Sunday.

Her one interesting story was that they built an oven. She sounded very excited. A PCV came in to help. They used the bricks (see posting below) locally made, then used mud as mortar. The mud was mixed with their feet -- "It doesn't get much better than that!" Banana logs serve as molds for the plumbing of the oven. Evidently, they will disintegrate over the next 2-3 weeks, and leave space for the fire, ventilation, etc. All-in-all sounded like quite the event.


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